.. _adding_data: Adding Data to *YOUR* OpenWorm Database ======================================== So, you've got some biological data about the worm and you'd like to save it in |owm|, but you don't know how it's done? You've come to the right place! A few biological entities (e.g., Cell, Neuron, Muscle, Worm) are pre-coded into |owm|. The full list is available in the :ref:`API `. If these entities already cover your use-case, then all you need to do is add values for the appropriate fields and save them. If you have data already loaded into your database, then you can load objects from it:: >>> from owmeta.neuron import Neuron >>> n = Neuron.query() >>> n.receptor('UNC-13') owmeta_core.statement.Statement(...obj=owmeta_core.dataobject_property.ContextualizedPropertyValue(rdflib.term.Literal(u'UNC-13')), context=None) >>> for x in n.load(): ... do_something_with_unc13_neuron(n) # doctest.SKIP If you need additional entities it's easy to create them. Documentation for this is provided :ref:`here `. Typically, you'll want to attach the data that you insert to entities already in the database. This allows you to recover objects in a hierarchical fashion from the database later. :class:`~owmeta.worm.Worm`, for instance, has a property, ``neuron_network``, which points to the :class:`~owmeta.network.Network` which should contain all neural cells and synaptic connections. To initialize the hierarchy you would do something like:: >>> from owmeta_core.context import Context >>> from owmeta.worm import Worm >>> from owmeta.network import Network >>> ctx = Context('http://example.org/c-briggsae') >>> w = ctx(Worm)('C. briggsae') # The name is optional and currently defaults to 'C. elegans' >>> nn = ctx(Network)() # make a neuron network >>> w.neuron_network(nn) # attach to the worm the neuron network owmeta_core.statement.Statement(...) >>> n = ctx(Neuron)('NeuronX') # make a neuron >>> n.receptor('UNC-13') # state that the neuron has a UNC-13 type receptor owmeta_core.statement.Statement(...) >>> nn.neuron(n) # attach to the neuron network owmeta_core.statement.Statement(...) >>> ctx.save() # save all of the data attached to the worm It is possible to create objects without attaching them to anything and they can still be referenced by calling load on an instance of the object's class as in ``n.load()`` above. This also points out another fact: you don't have to set up the hierarchy for each insert in order for the objects to be linked to existing entities. If you have previously set up connections to an entity (e.g., ``Worm('C. briggsae')``), assuming you *only* have one such entity, you can refer to things attached to it without respecifying the hierarchy for each script. The database packaged with |owm| should have only one Worm and one Network. Remember that once you've made all of the statements, you must save the context in which the statements are made. Future capabilities: * Adding propositional logic to support making statements about all entities matching some conditions without needing to ``load()`` and ``save()`` them from the database. * Statements like:: ctx = Context('http://example.org/c-briggsae') w = ctx.stored(Worm)() w.neuron_network.neuron.receptor('UNC-13') l = list(w.load()) # Get a list of worms with neurons expressing 'UNC-13' currently, to do the equivalent, you must work backwards, finding all neurons with UNC-13 receptors, then getting all networks with those neurons, then getting all worms with those networks:: worms = set() n = ctx.stored(Neuron)() n.receptor('UNC-13') for ns in n.load(): nn = ctx.stored(Network)() nn.neuron(ns) for z in nn.load(): w = ctx.stored(Worm)() w.neuron_network(z) worms.add(w) l = list(worms) It's not difficult logic, but it's 8 extra lines of code for a, conceptually, very simple query. * Also, queries like:: l = list(ctx.stored(Worm)('C. briggsae').neuron_network.neuron.receptor()) # get a list #of all receptors expressed in neurons of C. briggsae Again, not difficult to write out, but in this case it actually gives a much longer query time because additional values are queried in a ``load()`` call that are never returned. We'd also like operators for composing many such strings so:: ctx.stored(Worm)('C. briggsae').neuron_network.neuron.get('receptor', 'innexin') # list #of (receptor, innexin) values for each neuron would be possible with one query and thus not requiring parsing and iterating over neurons twice--it's all done in a single, simple query. Contexts -------- Above, we used contexts without explaining them. In natural languages, our statements are made in a context that influences how they should be interpreted. In |owm|, that kind of context-sensitivity is modeled by using :class:`owmeta.context.Context` objects. To see what this looks like, let's start with an example. Basics ^^^^^^ I have data about widgets from BigDataWarehouse (BDW) that I want to translate into RDF using |owm|, but I don't want put them with my other widget data since BDW data may conflict with mine. Also, if get more BDW data, I want to be able to relate these data to that. A good way to keep data which are made at distinct times or which come from different, possibly conflicting, sources is using contexts. The code below shows how to do that:: >>> from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph >>> from owmeta_core.context import Context >>> # from mymod import Widget # my own OWM widget model >>> # from bdw import Load # BigDataWarehouse API >>> # Create a Context with an identifier appropriate to this BDW data import >>> ctx = Context('http://example.org/data/imports/BDW_Widgets_2017-2018') >>> ctx.mapper.process_class(Widget) >>> # Create a context manager using the default behavior of reading the >>> # dictionary of current local variables >>> with ctx(W=Widget) as c: ... for record in Load(data_set='Widgets2017-2018'): ... # declares Widgets in this context ... c.W(part_number=record.pnum, ... fullness=record.flns, ... hardiness=record.hrds) Widget(ident=rdflib.term.URIRef(...)) >>> # Create an RDFLib graph as the target for the data >>> g = ConjunctiveGraph() >>> # Save the data >>> ctx.save(g) >>> # Serialize the data in the nquads format so we can see that all of our >>> # statements are in the proper context >>> print(g.serialize(format='nquads', encoding='UTF-8').decode('UTF-8')) . <... If you've worked with lots of data before, this kind of pattern should be familiar. You can see how, with later imports, you would follow the naming scheme to create new contexts (e.g., ``http://example.org/data/imports/BDW_Widgets_2018-2019``). These additional contexts could then have separate metadata attached to them or they could be compared:: >>> len(list(ctx(Widget)().load())) 1 >>> len(list(ctx18(Widget)().load())) # 2018-2019 context 3 Context Metadata ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Contexts, because they have identifiers just like any other objects, so we can make statements about them as well. An essential statement is imports: Contexts import other contexts, which means, if you follow owmeta semantics, that when you query objects from the importing context, that the imported contexts will also be available to query. .. Importing contexts .. Evidence, DataSources, DataTranslators, Provenance and contexts