Source code for

import rdflib as R

from .biology import BiologyType
from .cell_common import CELL_RDF_TYPE
from .channel_common import CHANNEL_RDF_TYPE
from .channelworm import ChannelModel

from owmeta_core.dataobject import DatatypeProperty, ObjectProperty, Alias

[docs]class ExpressionPattern(BiologyType): class_context = BiologyType.class_context wormbaseid = DatatypeProperty() ''' The ID for the expression pattern in Wormbase ''' wormbaseID = Alias(wormbaseid) ''' Alias to :py:attr:`wormbaseid` ''' wormbaseURL = DatatypeProperty() ''' The URL for the expression pattern in Wormbase ''' description = DatatypeProperty() ''' Natural language description of the expression pattern ''' def __init__(self, wormbaseid=None, **kwargs): super(ExpressionPattern, self).__init__(**kwargs) if wormbaseid: self.wormbaseid(wormbaseid) self.wormbaseURL(R.URIRef("" + wormbaseid))
[docs] def defined_augment(self): return self.wormbaseid.has_defined_value()
[docs] def identifier_augment(self): return self.make_identifier(self.wormbaseid.defined_values[0])
[docs]class Channel(BiologyType): """ A biological ion channel. """ class_context = BiologyType.class_context rdf_type = CHANNEL_RDF_TYPE subfamily = DatatypeProperty() ''' Ion channel's subfamily ''' name = DatatypeProperty() ''' Ion channel's name ''' description = DatatypeProperty() ''' A description of the ion channel ''' gene_name = DatatypeProperty() ''' Name of the gene that codes for this ion channel ''' gene_class = DatatypeProperty() ''' Classification of the encoding gene ''' gene_WB_ID = DatatypeProperty() ''' Wormbase ID of the encoding gene ''' expression_pattern = ObjectProperty(multiple=True, value_type=ExpressionPattern) ''' A pattern of expression of this cell within an organism ''' proteins = DatatypeProperty(multiple=True) ''' Proteins associated with this channel ''' appearsIn = ObjectProperty(multiple=True, value_rdf_type=CELL_RDF_TYPE) ''' Cell types in which the ion channel has been expressed ''' model = ObjectProperty(value_type=ChannelModel) ''' Get experimental models of this ion channel ''' models = Alias(model) ''' Alias to :py:attr:`model` ''' def __init__(self, name=None, **kwargs): super(Channel, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs)
[docs] def defined_augment(self): return
[docs] def identifier_augment(self): return self.make_identifier([0])