.. _data_requirements: Requirements for data storage in OpenWorm ========================================= Our OpenWorm database captures facts about *C. elegans*. The database stores data for generating model files and together with annotations describing the origins of the data. Below are a set of recommendations for implementation of the database organized around an |RDF| model. Interface --------- Access is through a Python library which communicates with the database. This library serves the function of providing an object oriented view on the database that can be accessed through the Python scripts commonly used in the project. The :ref:`api ` is described separately. Data modeling ------------- Biophysical and anatomical data are included in the database. A sketch of some features of the data model is below. Also included in our model are the relationships between these types. Given our choice of data types, we do not model the individual interactions between cells as entities in the database. Rather these are described by generic predicates in an `RDF triple`_. For instance, neuron A synapsing with muscle cell B would give a statement (A, synapsesWith, B), but A synapsing with neuron C would also have (A, synapsesWith, C). .. _RDF triple: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1122451 Nervous system ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the worm's nervous system, we capture a few important data types (listed `below <#datatypes>`__). These correspond primarily to the anatomical structures and chemicals which are necessary for the worm to record external and internal stimuli and activate its body in response to those stimuli. .. _datatypes: Data types ++++++++++ A non-exhaustive list of neurological data types in our C. elegans database: - receptor types identified in the nerve cell - neurons - ion channels - neurotransmitters - muscle receptors Development ~~~~~~~~~~~ *C. elegans* has very stable cell division patterns in the absence of mutations. This means that we can capture divisions in our database as static 'daughterOf' relationships. The theory of differentiation codes additionally gives an algorithmic description to the growth patterns of the worm which describes signals transmitted between developing cells. In order to test this theory we would like to leverage existing photographic data indicating the volume of cells at the time of their division as this relates to the differentiation code stored by the cell. Progress on this issue is documented `on GitHub`_ .. _on Github: https://github.com/openworm/owmeta/issues/7#issuecomment-45401916 Aging ~~~~~ Concurrently with development, we would like to begin modeling the effects of aging on the worm. Aging typically manifests in physiological changes due to transcription errors or cell death. These physiological changes can be represented abstractly as parameters to the function of biological entities. See `GitHub`_ for further discussion. .. _Github: https://github.com/openworm/owmeta/issues/6 Information assurance --------------------- Provenance ~~~~~~~~~~ Tracking the origins of facts stated in the database demands a method of annotating statements in our database. Providing citations for facts must be as simple as providing a global identifier (e.g., URI, DOI) or a local identifier (e.g., Bibtex identifier, Pubmed ID). With owmeta, supporting information can be attached to `named graphs`_, which are groupings of statements with a URI attached to them. A named graph can have as many or as few statements as desired. Furthermore, a given triple can occur in multiple named graphs. Further details for the attachment of evidence using this technique are given in the :ref:`api `. .. _named graphs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Named_graph In line with current practices for communication through the source code management platform, GitHub, we track responsibility for new uploads to the database through the `OpenWormData`_ Git repository. Each named graph is canonicalized -- essentially, triples are sorted and written to a text file -- and committed to a Git repository which gives us, at least, an email address and a timestamp for all modifications. .. _OpenWormData: https://github.com/openworm/OpenWormData Access control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Data in owmeta are distributed as a bundle, a packaging structure which contains a set of canonicalized named graphs and, optionally, some files. Responsibility for restricting who can modify a bundle is, in the first instance, up to the bundle creator. When the bundle is actually distributed, the responsibility then falls on the distributor to ensure authentication of the bundle's provider and integrity of the bundle. In OpenWorm, we create bundles from the OpenWormData GitHub repository. Access to the repository is managed by senior OpenWorm contributors. Bundles are deployed to Google Drive with write access controlled by Mark Watts. You can fetch OpenWorm bundles by adding a remote like this:: owm bundle remote add google-drive 'https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1NYAcKdcvoFu5c7Nz3l4hK5UacG_eD56V&authuser=0&export=download' ``google-drive`` can be substituted with any string. Miscellaneous ------------- Versioning ~~~~~~~~~~ Experimental methods are constantly improving in biological research. These improvements may require updating the data we reference or store internally. However, in making updates we must not immediately expunge older content, breaking links created by internal and external agents. Instead, we utilize bundle versioning to track revisions to the data. Each successive release of the bundle increments the bundle version number. Why RDF? -------- |RDF| offers advantages in resilience to schema additions and increased flexibility in integrating data from disparate sources. [1]_ These qualities can be valued by comparison to relational database systems. Typically, schema changes in a relational database require extensive work for applications using it. [2]_ In the author's experience, RDF databases offer more freedom in restructuring. Also, for data integration, SPARQL, the standard language for querying over RDF has `Federated queries `_ which allow for nearly painless integration of external SPARQL endpoints with existing queries. .. [1] http://answers.semanticweb.com/questions/19183/advantages-of-rdf-over-relational-databases .. [2] http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/118211/andy%20maule%20-%20thesis.pdf .. XXX: Copy edit and transition The advantage of local storage of the database that goes along with each copy of the library is that the data will have the version number of the library. This means that data can be 'deprecated' along with a deprecated version of the library. This also will prevent changes made to a volatile database that break downstream code that uses the library.